Swiss Quality

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  • Der Workshop was sehr informativ und reich an Praxiserfahrungen. Der Coach was sehr professionell.

    Mr. Ala´ Naeem Owaidah, BEX Manager, Islamic Development Bank, Jeddah, KSA
  • Successfully attending the EFQM Training has helped me not only to realize the significance of change but to understand the importance of doing it right. The training days were very rich with information about how to lead the Excellence Journey of any organization. Dr. Koller delivered a very professional training. I am looking forward to applying my newly gained know-how in the workplace.

    Mr. Hamed Al Battashi, Manager, Oman Specialized Nursing Institute, Muscat, OM
  • Das Training wurde sehr gut durchgeführt. Es war ein sehr dynamisches Training mit einem sehr aktiven Erfahrungsaustausch unter den Teilnehmenden.

    Dr. Siret Rutiku, Head of the Office of Academic Affairs, Tartu University, Tartu, Estonia