Swiss Quality

Registration for Training

  • Im EFQM Leaders for Excellence Training konnte ich mein Excellence-Wissen weiterentwickeln. Dieses Training sollte nicht nur von Qualitätsmanagement-Spezialisten, sondern auch von Rektoren, Vize-Rektoren, Dekane/Vize Dekane und weiteren Führungskräften besucht werden. Das Training zeigt ihnen den Weg zur Excellenz auf.

    Mr. Mallwy Alawadh, Quality and Development Coordinator, Abha College of Technology, Abha, KSA
  • Der Workshop half mir, das EFQM Excellence Modell zu verstehen. Es gab mir das notwendige Wissen, um als EFQM European Assessor zu arbeiten.

    Mr. Indranil Roy Chowdhury, Quality Assurance Specialist, Dubai Properties, Dubai, UAE
  • Successfully attending the EFQM Training has helped me not only to realize the significance of change but to understand the importance of doing it right. The training days were very rich with information about how to lead the Excellence Journey of any organization. Dr. Koller delivered a very professional training. I am looking forward to applying my newly gained know-how in the workplace.

    Mr. Hamed Al Battashi, Manager, Oman Specialized Nursing Institute, Muscat, OM