Swiss Quality

Registration for Training

  • Der Workshop war gut organisiert und wurde professional durchgeführt. Ich habe eine nützliche Methode kennengelernt, die an Universitäten angewendet werden kann.

    Dr. Inga Milisiunaite, Director of Quality Management, University of Vilnius, Vilnius, Lithuania
  • Thank you very much for the opportunity to sharpen my scoring skills in the Excellence Assessor Scoring Calibration Online Training, based on the EFQM Model 2020. I needed this training to get more confidence with the scoring process. This training was very beneficial and important for me. It is worthy to mention that your professional support and teaching skills did really help me to understand the scoring process.

    Ms. Mona Ali, Manager, Doha, QA
  • Der Workshop half mir, das EFQM Excellence Modell zu verstehen. Es gab mir das notwendige Wissen, um als EFQM European Assessor zu arbeiten.

    Mr. Indranil Roy Chowdhury, Quality Assurance Specialist, Dubai Properties, Dubai, UAE