Swiss Quality

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  • The EFQM Leaders for Excellence Training gave me a new view about Quality. I learned about a holistic Excellence Framework that helps organizations to develop towards Excellence. I wish more of our leaders would know about the EFQM Excellence Model. Developing our organizations towards Excellence would be very beneficial for our customers, our organizations, and our country.

    Ms. Suad Fael Mubarak Bait-Maghrab, Leiterin der Qualitätsmanagement Abteilung, Sultan Qaboos Krankenhaus, Salalah, OM
  • The Document Management System Training by ITQM was very informative, practical, and well organized. The training will help me to further develop the DMS in our hospital. I also liked very much the various team exercises. The trainers were very successful in creating a very stimulating learning environment.

    Ms. Suad Fael Mubarak Bait-Maghrab, Leiterin der Qualitätsmanagement Abteilung, Sultan Qaboos Krankenhaus, Salalah, OM
  • Der Workshop half mir, das EFQM Excellence Modell zu verstehen. Es gab mir das notwendige Wissen, um als EFQM European Assessor zu arbeiten.

    Mr. Indranil Roy Chowdhury, Quality Assurance Specialist, Dubai Properties, Dubai, UAE