Swiss Quality
  • Thanks a lot for providing the Excellence Assessor Scoring Calibration Online Training, another enriching and insightful training opportunity for EFQM Assessors (Model 2020). The training helped me to further to develop my Assessor skills.

    Mr. Srinivasa Rao Pentapalli, Quality Management Lead, Petroleum Development Oman (PDO), Muscat, OM
  • The EFQM Leaders for Excellence Training gave me a new view about Quality. I learned about a holistic Excellence Framework that helps organizations to develop towards Excellence. I wish more of our leaders would know about the EFQM Excellence Model. Developing our organizations towards Excellence would be very beneficial for our customers, our organizations, and our country.

    Ms. Suad Fael Mubarak Bait-Maghrab, Leiterin der Qualitätsmanagement Abteilung, Sultan Qaboos Krankenhaus, Salalah, OM
  • Das EFQM Model gibt einen holistischen Überblick über Qualitätsmanagement. Das Training unterstützt das Streben nach Excellenz.

    Dr. Ruedi Singer, Geschäftsführer, Philosophisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Universität Basel, Schweiz