Swiss Quality

Oman Post startet Journey to Excellence

=> 1. Mai 2018:    Unser Kunde Oman Post Company startet den Journey to Excellence (auf der Grundlage des EFQM Excellence Modells). Oman Post Company ist ein Unternehmen von ASYAD, einer Omani Government Holding Company. ITQM unterstützt Oman Post Company im Streben nach Excellence.

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  • I learned not only about the EFQM Model and the best practice standards, I also learned a lot from the practical examples of the trainer. He enriched the training with his vast experience in Business Excellence.

    Dr. Sharifa Al Balushi, Head of Quality Assurance, Ministry of Higher Education, Muscat, OM
  • Der Workshop war gut organisiert und wurde professional durchgeführt. Ich habe eine nützliche Methode kennengelernt, die an Universitäten angewendet werden kann.

    Dr. Inga Milisiunaite, Director of Quality Management, University of Vilnius, Vilnius, Lithuania
  • The Document Management System Training by ITQM was very informative, practical, and well organized. The training will help me to further develop the DMS in our hospital. I also liked very much the various team exercises. The trainers were very successful in creating a very stimulating learning environment.

    Ms. Suad Fael Mubarak Bait-Maghrab, Leiterin der Qualitätsmanagement Abteilung, Sultan Qaboos Krankenhaus, Salalah, OM