Swiss Quality

ITQM unterstützt das Ministerium für Tourismus in Oman beim Start des Journey to Excellence

Januar 2018: Das Ministerium für Tourismus von Oman führt EFQM Selbstbewertungen, EFQM Excellence Trainings, Lean Project Management Trainings sowie auch mehrere Excellence Projekte durch. Das Projekt wird von Dr. Karl J. Koller, internationaler Experte für Excellence und EFQM Advisor/Trainer betreut. ITQM hat während den letzten 15 Jahren in den GCC Ländern viele Organisationen bei der Weiterentwicklung in Richtung Excellence erfolgreich unterstützt.

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  • The training was very beneficial for me. I learned during the three-day Assessor Training about Excellence and how I can conduct an assessment in an organization based on best practice standards. All leaders in government organizations should have knowledge about the EFQM Excellence Framework and should take actions to follow the best practice standards in their organizations. We would then be able to make improvements more quickly in all areas of government services, helping to bring our country forward.

    Dr. Khamis Al Kulaibi, Direktor für Training, Institute of Public Administration (IPA), Muscat, OM
  • Der ITQM Workshop hat mir sehr geholfen, meine Organisation in Richtung Excellence weiterzuentwickeln.

    Mr. Humayan Jawaid, Quality Manager, Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil Operations, Abu Dhabi, UAE
  • Successfully attending the EFQM Training has helped me not only to realize the significance of change but to understand the importance of doing it right. The training days were very rich with information about how to lead the Excellence Journey of any organization. Dr. Koller delivered a very professional training. I am looking forward to applying my newly gained know-how in the workplace.

    Mr. Hamed Al Battashi, Manager, Oman Specialized Nursing Institute, Muscat, OM