Swiss Quality

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  • The EFQM Leaders for Excellence Training conducted by ITQM was very interesting and added great value to me. I liked also very much the best practice examples presented by Dr. Karl J. Koller.

    Mr. Abdulaziz A. Almahboob, Head of TQM Department, Assessor for the King Abdulaziz Quality Award, Eastern Province Directorate, Ministry of Education, Dammam, KSA
  • The workshop was well organized and conducted professionally. I have learned a useful method that can be applied to universities.

    Dr. Inga Milisiunaite, Director of Quality Management, University of Vilnius, Vilnius, Lithuania
  • The workshop is excellent for professionals who are developing their organization towards Excellence.

    Mr. Anuarag Kshattriya, OHSE Manager, Brandt NOV, Dubai, UAE