Swiss Quality

Questions for your organization

Customer Focus

  • Do you know your customers and the expectations they have regarding your products and services?
  • Do you measure customer satisfaction on a regular basis? Do you transfer the results into clearly defined actions?
  • How do you deal with customer feedback? Do you have clearly defined and known processes for it?
  • Is your organisation able to delight its customers?

Process Focus

  • Are your key business processes well defined? Are they measured regularly?
  • Are current processes reviewed regularly and improved if necessary?
  • Are potential problems approached and eliminated in a proactive and systematic way?

Employee Focus

  • Does your organization want to have motivated and competent employees? What is your organization doing to achieve this?
  • Is TQM understood by your organization as a fundamental part of the organizational culture?

Results Focus

  • In your organization, is financial and qualitative data analyzed to assess levels of achievement?

ITQM will help you answer all these questions and more. After consulting with ITQM you will be able to answer these questions for yourself.

  • "I have attended the EFQM Foundation and EFQM Assessor Training (Model 2020) with the purpose of refreshing and increasing my knowledge as Certified EFQM Assessor. I really felt happy to have attended this training with Dr. Karl Koller from ITQM, with whom I had attended a few years ago the EFQM Internal Assessor Training, and the Risk Management Training (based on the EFQM Model). Dr. Karl delivers his trainings in an efficient way, where he mixes knowledge with his experience in the area of Excellence. He also gives full opportunity for participants to interact effectively during the training. That helps participants to gain more knowledge, more good practices, and examples in Excellence to become competent Leaders for Excellence in their organizations. I thank Dr. Karl for his support and generosity."


    Besheit Almatrafi Besheit Almatrafi, Deputy General Manager, Zamzam Charity for Voluntary Health Services. Makkah Region, KSA
  • The EFQM L4E Training was an insightful and beneficial two-day-course which gave me an overview of the EFQM Model and the Fundamental Concepts of Excellence. I recommend this course to individuals who are new to the EFQM Model and also to individuals who already have some background in Excellence but want to refresh and expand their Excellence know-how. It is beneficial for all management staff, regardless of their field of work, as Excellence is a key component for high performance.

    Mr. Mohammad Abdulrazaq Alawadhi, Global Quality Manager, Drydocks World, Dubai, UAE
  • The EFQM L4E Training by ITQM was a great learning experience for me. Every line manager should attend this training!

    Mr. Tayseer Joudi, Operations Manager, Saudi Oger Ltd., Riyadh, KSA