Swiss Quality

Quality Improvement Tools

Document Name Document Type
Cause Effect Diagram XLS / 25KB
Check-Sheet-Histrogram XLS / 36KB
Control Chart XLS / 1.1MB
Gant Chart XLS / 43KB
Histogram XLS / 66KB
Pareto Chart XLS / 47KB
Scatter Diagram XLS / 112KB
Stratification Diagram XLS / 78KB
  • Thank you very much for the opportunity to sharpen my scoring skills in the Excellence Assessor Scoring Calibration Online Training, based on the EFQM Model 2020. I needed this training to get more confidence with the scoring process. This training was very beneficial and important for me. It is worthy to mention that your professional support and teaching skills did really help me to understand the scoring process.

    Ms. Mona Ali, Manager, Doha, QA
  • The EFQM Leaders for Excellence Training gave me a new view about Quality. I learned about a holistic Excellence Framework that helps organizations to develop towards Excellence. I wish more of our leaders would know about the EFQM Excellence Model. Developing our organizations towards Excellence would be very beneficial for our customers, our organizations, and our country.

    Ms. Suad Fael Mubarak Bait-Maghrab, Head of Quality Department, Sultan Qaboos Hospital, Salalah, OM
  • The Document Management System Training by ITQM was very informative, practical, and well organized. The training will help me to further develop the DMS in our hospital. I also liked very much the various team exercises. The trainers were very successful in creating a very stimulating learning environment.

    Ms. Suad Fael Mubarak Bait-Maghrab, Head of Quality Department, Sultan Qaboos Hospital, Salalah, OM