Swiss Quality

Our Institute

The Institute for Total Quality Management (ITQM) offers high quality consulting and training for various industries as well as specialized courses for certain industries in

Excellence / Total Quality Management and Change Management

In all our consulting and training activities we have a strong focus on the transfer of practical know-how.

ITQM offers specific EFQM and other management trainings. Experieced, international accredited EFQM advisors/trainers/validators provide these trainings. We coach organizations on their way to excellence through all EFQM Levels of Excellence. All of the participants who complete our EFQM trainings receive the official EFQM certificates.

We customize in house trainigs to meet specific needs and expectatons of your organization. We even offer training in several language. Let us know what you need, and we will customize the training for you.

  • The EFQM L4E Training by ITQM was a great learning experience for me. Every line manager should attend this training!

    Mr. Tayseer Joudi, Operations Manager, Saudi Oger Ltd., Riyadh, KSA
  • The training was very beneficial for me. I learned during the three-day Assessor Training about Excellence and how I can conduct an assessment in an organization based on best practice standards. All leaders in government organizations should have knowledge about the EFQM Excellence Framework and should take actions to follow the best practice standards in their organizations. We would then be able to make improvements more quickly in all areas of government services, helping to bring our country forward.

    Dr. Khamis Al Kulaibi, Director for Training, Institute of Public Administration (IPA), Muscat, OM
  • The EFQM L4E Training was very informative and helpful. It enriched my knowledge of how to drive improvements at the working place using the EFQM Excellence Model for Self-Assessment. The discussion around the EFQM Excellence Model and practical exercises were very beneficial.

    Dr. Huda Abu Hamdeh, Dean, Ibra Nursing Institute – Ministry of Health, Ibra, OM