Swiss Quality

List of Certified EFQM Internal Assessors trained by ITQM

List of Certified EFQM Internal Assessors Trained by ITQM

  • I liked the training very much. It gave me a new perspective on Excellence.

    Mr. Abdulrahman Ahmed Hariri, Lecturer, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, KSA
  • The training was very well conducted. It was a very lively workshop with generous sharing of experience among all participants.

    Dr. Siret Rutiku, Head of the Office of Academic Affairs, Tartu University, Tartu, Estonia
  • The workshop was very informative and rich in practice. The workshop coach was very professional.

    Mr. Ala´ Naeem Owaidah, BEX Manager, Islamic Development Bank, Jeddah, KSA