Swiss Quality

List of Certified EFQM Internal Assessors trained by ITQM

List of Certified EFQM Internal Assessors Trained by ITQM

  • The EFQM L4E Training was an insightful and beneficial two-day-course which gave me an overview of the EFQM Model and the Fundamental Concepts of Excellence. I recommend this course to individuals who are new to the EFQM Model and also to individuals who already have some background in Excellence but want to refresh and expand their Excellence know-how. It is beneficial for all management staff, regardless of their field of work, as Excellence is a key component for high performance.

    Mr. Mohammad Abdulrazaq Alawadhi, Global Quality Manager, Drydocks World, Dubai, UAE
  • The training was very beneficial for me. I learned during the three-day Assessor Training about Excellence and how I can conduct an assessment in an organization based on best practice standards. All leaders in government organizations should have knowledge about the EFQM Excellence Framework and should take actions to follow the best practice standards in their organizations. We would then be able to make improvements more quickly in all areas of government services, helping to bring our country forward.

    Dr. Khamis Al Kulaibi, Director for Training, Institute of Public Administration (IPA), Muscat, OM
  • The EFQM Leaders for Excellence (L4E) Training by ITQM helped me to expand my Excellence skills. I liked the expert discussions with Dr. Koller. The new skills learned I could transfer right away, successfully into my university.

    Prof. Dr. Vytautas Snieska, Chairman of the Quality Committee, Head of Economics and International Trade Department, Economics and Management Faculty, Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas Lithuania