Swiss Quality

EFQM Model 2020

The EFQM Model, a globally recognised framework that supports organisations in managing change and improving performance, has experienced a number of improvement cycles over the years to make sure that it not only remains relevant but continues to set the management agenda for any organisation wanting a long term, sustainable future.
Whilst the specific content and visual identity of the EFQM Model may have changed over time, what has not changed are the underlying principles on which it is based. Regardless of the size of the organisation or whether it is public, private or third sector, these principles are as important today as they have ever been and this latest edition of the EFQM Model is no different in continuing to stress the importance of:
• the primacy of the customer
• the need to take a long term,stakeholder centric view
• understanding the cause and effect linkages between why an organisation does something, how it does it and what it achieves as a consequence of its actions.

The EFQM Model, like its predecessors, acknowledges the existence of a set of European Values, best expressed in:

• The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

• The European Convention on Human Rights

• The European Union Directive 2000/78/EC

• The European Social Charter.

The Foundation also recognises the role that organisations can play in supporting the goals of the United Nations and these goalshave also helped to shape this latest edition of the EFQM Model:

• The United Nations Global Compact (2000). Ten principles for sustainable and socially responsible business.
• The United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals are a call for action by all countries to promote social equity, sound governance and prosperity while protecting the planet.

There is an assumption and expectation that any organisation using the EFQM Model will respect and act upon the essence of the messages contained in the above, regardless of whether it is legally obliged to do so or not.

Using the EFQM Model provides the opportunity to see the whole, to take the holistic perspective and appreciate that an organisation is a complex but, at the same time, an organised system. Just like the world at large, an organisation should not be seen as linear, mechanical and predictable, rather it is far better understood as a complex adaptive system, made up of interdependent humans in adynamic living world. Any organisation using the EFQM Model:

  • Recognises that it does not operate in a vacuum. It understands that it is part of a larger, complex ecosystem in which other players, known and unknown, can help or hinder its progress and that it is in its own interest to engage with and maximise the opportunity to learn and grow from others within its ecosystem
  • Accepts the opportunity to act as a Leader in its sphere of influence, behaving as an inspiration to others and demonstrating what can be achieved for the benefit of others as well as itself
  • Understands that it will face ever- increasing speeds and volumes of change and that it must be prepared to anticipate, address and respond appropriately, embracing the challenge of managing for today, and at the same time, forecasting the future and making sure it is prepared for it.
The EFQM Model structure is based on the simple but powerful logic of asking three questions:
• “Why” does this organisation exist? What Purpose does it fulfil? Why this particular Strategy? (Direction)
• “How” does it intend to deliver on its Purpose and its Strategy? (Execution)
• “What” has it actually achieved to date? “What” does it intend to achieve tomorrow? (Results).

Central to the rationale of the EFQM Model, the “red thread”, is the connection between the Purpose and Strategy of an organisation and how that is used to help it Create Sustainable Value for its most important Stakeholders and deliver outstanding Results.
  • I would strongly recommend the EFQM Training to any company desiring to achieve Excellence in their business. The workshop from ITQM was well conducted and was successful in achieving its objectives.

    Dr. Ahmed Suheel, CEO, Arabian Farms Dev. Co, Dubai, UAE
  • The EFQM Training was comprehensive and very interesting with a lot of practical examples.

    Ms. Ramona Ciocan, Business Excellence Manager, Wild Wadi Water Park, Jumeirah, Dubai, UAE
  • "I have attended the EFQM Foundation and EFQM Assessor Training (Model 2020) with the purpose of refreshing and increasing my knowledge as Certified EFQM Assessor. I really felt happy to have attended this training with Dr. Karl Koller from ITQM, with whom I had attended a few years ago the EFQM Internal Assessor Training, and the Risk Management Training (based on the EFQM Model). Dr. Karl delivers his trainings in an efficient way, where he mixes knowledge with his experience in the area of Excellence. He also gives full opportunity for participants to interact effectively during the training. That helps participants to gain more knowledge, more good practices, and examples in Excellence to become competent Leaders for Excellence in their organizations. I thank Dr. Karl for his support and generosity."


    Besheit Almatrafi Besheit Almatrafi, Deputy General Manager, Zamzam Charity for Voluntary Health Services. Makkah Region, KSA