Swiss Quality
  • The EFQM Leaders for Excellence (L4E) Training and the EFQM Internal Assessor Training (IAT) are the most valuable trainings I have ever attended. I have learned a lot from these trainings. The discussions around the case studies, particularly by using the EFQM Excellence Model in the Education Sector, were very beneficial. I strongly recommend the EFQM L4E and the EFQM IAT, conducted by Dr. Karl J. Koller from the Swiss Institute for Total Quality Management (ITQM).

    Mr. Khalid A-Wahaib, Quality Manager, Ministry of Education, Muscat, OM
  • The workshop was very well organized and conducted. The practical exercises were very interesting and helpful.

    Ms. Marwa Essawy, Biomedical Engineer, Dr. Erfan & Bagedo General Hospital, Jeddah, KSA
  • The EFQM Training I attended was very interesting. The know-how I gained is very useful for my work.

    Dr. Heli Mattisen, Director, Estonian Higher Education Quality Agency, Tallinn, Estonia