Swiss Quality

Vision / Mission / Values


We are recognized around the world for providing excellent consulting and training in Excellence / Total Quality Management and Change Management.


We offer our customers superior consulting, coaching, and training in Excellence / Total Quality Management and Change Management, enabling them to improve their products, services, and competitive position. We will achieve this through commitment to our customers, employees, partners, and society.


  • Customers / Employees First
  • Excellence
  • Trust and Respect
  • Teamwork
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • I strongly recommend the EFQM Training, conducted by the Institute for Total Quality Management. The training was very informative, solid, and showed the road to Excellence.

    Dr. Ziad Salameh, D.D.S., D.E.S.P., Researcher and Specialist in Prosthodontics, King Saud University, Riyadh, KSA
  • In the EFQM Leaders for Excellence Training I could further develop my know-how in Excellence. This training should be attended not only by Quality Management Specialists but also by Rectors, Vice-Rectors, Deans/Vice-Deans, and Line Managers of Universities and Colleges. The training provides them with a roadmap to Excellence.

    Mr. Mallwy Alawadh, Quality and Development Coordinator, Abha College of Technology, Abha, KSA
  • The training helped me become a better Assessor, improve my scoring skills, build good relationships with other Assessors and be more familiar with the real work of an Assessor.

    Mr. Badr Al Abri, Excellence Manager, Public Establishment for Industrial Estates, Madayn, Muscat, OM