Swiss Quality

General Information / Registration Information

Training Fees
Training fees cover all workshop materials, coffee breaks and lunches. They do not include hotel accommodations and dinners.

How to register
You may register online of by fax.

Online:, click on "Training", search for the workshop you want to attend, click on the "Registration" button and follow the instructions.

Fax: Use the training registration form provided in our training program or on our website. Submit your completed registration form to +41 44 880 2120. Please use one form per person.

After your registration, you will get a confirmation by e-mail or fax. Registrations will be accepted in the order of their receipt. Shortly after the date of the latest registration, you will get the invoice and an information packet containing detailed workshop information (program, date, place, etc.).

Lates Day of Registration
Registration deadlines are approx. five weeks prior to the workshop date.

The training fee is payable to our bank account and must be received within due date. If the payment has not bee received by the latest day of registration, ITQM reserves the right to cancel the registration. For a small charge it is possible to pay the training fee via PayPal.

Special Offers
Take advantage of our team discount - when three people or more from the same organization register together for the same training, each person will receive the 10% group discount.

Cancellations of Registration
If you cannot attend personally, a substitute delegate is welcome to join the training in your place - for no extra charge. Should you, or a substitute, be unable to attend, we will promptly refund your fee less a service charge of 10% if you inform us before the latest day for registration. No refund are possible for cancellations received less than 30 days before this training. Instead you will be issued with a 50% discount Training Voucher, which entitles you to attend a public course arranged by ITQM.

If you are unable to attend the training, you may send a substitute with no additional charge. Please, inform our ITQM office as soon as possible about your substitute.

All rights reserved. No part of the training material may be translated, reproduced, stored or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in a form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the Institute for Total Quality Management, Zurich.

Cancellation of Training by ITQM
ITQM reserves the right to change dates, venues, trainers due to unavoidable circumstances.

  • The EFQM Training provides a holistic view of quality management as well as the building blocks of the EFQM Model, and will help you to establish the foundation to pursue excellence in your organization.

    Dr. Ashraf Al Ghazzawi, Division Head, SAUDI ARAMCO, Dhahran, KSA
  • The EFQM Model gives you a holistic view of quality management. The workshop supports the striving for best practice."

    Dr. Ruedi Singer, Executive Faculty Manager, Faculty of Science, University of Basel, Switzerland
  • The EFQM Leaders for Excellence Training by ITQM gave me a very good understanding of TQM / Business Excellence.

    Mr. Jazi Al-Thobiti, Q.M.S. Supervisor, Bahri (National Shipping Company of Saudi Arabia), Riyadh, KSA