Swiss Quality

List of Certified EFQM Leaders for Excellence trained by ITQM

List of Certified EFQM Leaders for Excellence trained by ITQM

  • The EFQM European Assessor Training was very well focused and we had lively discussions. All that hopefully paves the way for more quality oriented decisions.

    Ms. Heli Aru, Manager, Estonian Ministry of Education, Tallinn, Estonia
  • The EFQM L4E Training by ITQM was a great learning experience for me. Every line manager should attend this training!

    Mr. Tayseer Joudi, Operations Manager, Saudi Oger Ltd., Riyadh, KSA
  • "All participants from our College of Dentistry at King Saud University in Riyadh as well as from other colleges and ministries have enjoyed the EFQM Foundation Training by ITQM. As a Certified EFQM Assessor (Model 2013), this training will help me a lot to know about the model changes and and how to implement the new Excellence Model in my organization. The best part of the training were the real life examples from different industries as well as education and health care sectors, presented by Dr. Karl. This training was for me definitely a very good opportunity to update my EFQM Excellence know-how."

    Prof. Dr. M. Shoaib Ahmedani, Assistant Professor for Quality and Development, College of Dentistry, King Saud University, Riyadh, KSA