Swiss Quality

List of Certified EFQM Assessors trained by ITQM

List of Certified EFQM Assessors trained by ITQM

  • The EFQM Model is a very good roadmap to Excellence. It was a very well conducted workshop!

    Dr. Nada Fida, Quality Manager, Saudi Arabian Airlines, Jeddah, KSA
  • I would strongly recommend the EFQM Training to any company desiring to achieve Excellence in their business. The workshop from ITQM was well conducted and was successful in achieving its objectives.

    Dr. Ahmed Suheel, CEO, Arabian Farms Dev. Co, Dubai, UAE
  • The EFQM L4E and the LPM-QIMT Training gave me know-how and skills not only about what to change but also how to change.

    Prof. Dr. Omar Awadh Al-Rawas, Dean, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, OM