Swiss Quality

EFQM Assessor Training (EFQM Model 2025; Online - English)

WS Code: EAT-25-02-OL_E
Datum: 25.02.2025 - 27.02.2025
Stadt/Land: ONLINE; 03:00PM-09:00PM, via ZOOM
Hinweis: Organize a Self-Assessment - Assess an Organization - Develop your Organization towards Excellence - Become a Certified EFQM Assessor
Sprache: Englisch
Kosten: SAR 9370.- / OMR 937.- / AED 9100 / EUR 2300.- / CHF 2200.-
Trainer: Dr. Karl J. Koller

Anmeldeschluss 05.02.2025

WS Code: EAT-25-04-OL_E
Datum: 08.04.2025 - 10.04.2025
Stadt/Land: ONLINE; 03:00PM-09:00PM, via ZOOM
Hinweis: Organize a Self-Assessment - Assess an Organization - Develop your Organization towards Excellence - Become a Certified EFQM Assessor
Sprache: Englisch
Kosten: SAR 9370.- / OMR 937.- / AED 9100 / EUR 2300.- / CHF 2200.-
Trainer: Dr. Karl J. Koller

Anmeldeschluss 18.03.2025

WS Code: EAT-25-05-OL_E
Datum: 06.05.2025 - 08.05.2025
Stadt/Land: ONLINE; 03:00PM-09:00PM, via ZOOM
Hinweis: Organize a Self-Assessment - Assess an Organization - Develop your Organization towards Excellence - Become a Certified EFQM Assessor
Sprache: Englisch
Kosten: SAR 9370.- / OMR 937.- / AED 9100 / EUR 2300.- / CHF 2200.-
Trainer: Dr. Karl J. Koller

Anmeldeschluss 16.04.2025

WS Code: EAT-25-06-OL_E
Datum: 17.06.2025 - 19.06.2025
Stadt/Land: ONLINE; 03:00PM-09:00PM, via ZOOM
Hinweis: Organize a Self-Assessment - Assess an Organization - Develop your Organization towards Excellence - Become a Certified EFQM Assessor
Sprache: Englisch
Kosten: SAR 9370.- / OMR 937.- / AED 9100 / EUR 2300.- / CHF 2200.-
Trainer: Dr. Karl J. Koller

Anmeldeschluss 28.05.2025

WS Code: EAT-25-07-OL_E
Datum: 22.07.2025 - 24.07.2025
Stadt/Land: ONLINE; 03:00PM-09:00PM, via ZOOM
Hinweis: Organize a Self-Assessment - Assess an Organization - Develop your Organization towards Excellence - Become a Certified EFQM Assessor
Sprache: Englisch
Kosten: SAR 9370.- / OMR 937.- / AED 9100 / EUR 2300.- / CHF 2200.-
Trainer: Dr. Karl J. Koller

Anmeldeschluss 02.07.2025

On-Site Training

Benötigen Sie ein Training für fünf oder mehr Personen? Wir führen für Sie ein On-Site Training durch.
  • Im EFQM Leaders for Excellence Training konnte ich mein Excellence-Wissen weiterentwickeln. Dieses Training sollte nicht nur von Qualitätsmanagement-Spezialisten, sondern auch von Rektoren, Vize-Rektoren, Dekane/Vize Dekane und weiteren Führungskräften besucht werden. Das Training zeigt ihnen den Weg zur Excellenz auf.

    Mr. Mallwy Alawadh, Quality and Development Coordinator, Abha College of Technology, Abha, KSA
  • The EFQM European Assessor Training was very well focused and we had lively discussions. All that hopefully paves the way for more quality oriented decisions.

    Ms. Heli Aru, Manager, Estonian Ministry of Education, Tallinn, Estonia
  • Thank you very much for the opportunity to sharpen my scoring skills in the Excellence Assessor Scoring Calibration Online Training, based on the EFQM Model 2020. I needed this training to get more confidence with the scoring process. This training was very beneficial and important for me. It is worthy to mention that your professional support and teaching skills did really help me to understand the scoring process.

    Ms. Mona Ali, Manager, Doha, QA