Swiss Quality

Dr. Karl J. Koller is one of the first certified EFQM Innovation Leaders (Model 2020)

Dr. Karl J. Koller was certified by EFQM as EFQM Innovation Leader.

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  • The EFQM Leaders for Excellence (L4E) Training by ITQM helped me to expand my Excellence skills. I liked the expert discussions with Dr. Koller. The new skills learned I could transfer right away, successfully into my university.

    Prof. Dr. Vytautas Snieska, Chairman of the Quality Committee, Head of Economics and International Trade Department, Economics and Management Faculty, Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas Lithuania
  • In the EFQM Leaders for Excellence Training I could further develop my know-how in Excellence. This training should be attended not only by Quality Management Specialists but also by Rectors, Vice-Rectors, Deans/Vice-Deans, and Line Managers of Universities and Colleges. The training provides them with a roadmap to Excellence.

    Mr. Mallwy Alawadh, Quality and Development Coordinator, Abha College of Technology, Abha, KSA
  • The EFQM Model gives you a holistic view of quality management. The workshop supports the striving for best practice."

    Dr. Ruedi Singer, Executive Faculty Manager, Faculty of Science, University of Basel, Switzerland