Swiss Quality

WS Code: LPM-25-02-OL_D
Date: 19.02.2025 - 21.02.2025
City/Country: ,
Language: German
Costs: EUR 1250 / CHF 1200
Trainer: Dr. Karl J. Koller

Latest Registration Date 15.01.2025

WS Code: LPM-25-02-OL_D
Date: 19.02.2025 - 21.02.2025
City/Country: ,
Language: German
Costs: EUR 1250 / CHF 1200
Trainer: Dr. Karl J. Koller

Latest Registration Date 15.01.2025

WS Code: LPM-25-04-OL_D
Date: 23.04.2025 - 25.04.2025
City/Country: ,
Language: German
Costs: EUR 1250 / CHF 1200
Trainer: Dr. Karl J. Koller

Latest Registration Date 25.03.2025

WS Code: LPM-25-06-OL_D
Date: 11.06.2025 - 13.06.2025
City/Country: ,
Language: German
Costs: EUR 1250 / CHF 1200
Trainer: Dr. Karl J. Koller

Latest Registration Date 10.05.2025

On-Site Training

Need to train a group of five or more? Consider on-site training.
  • The workshop gave me a very good understanding about Excellence in Education. I liked to work with the case study. This was one of the best trainings I have participated during the last years.

    Prof. Dr. Jakob Kübarsepp, Vice-Rector of Academic Affairs, Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia
  • Successfully attending the EFQM Training has helped me not only to realize the significance of change but to understand the importance of doing it right. The training days were very rich with information about how to lead the Excellence Journey of any organization. Dr. Koller delivered a very professional training. I am looking forward to applying my newly gained know-how in the workplace.

    Mr. Hamed Al Battashi, Manager, Oman Specialized Nursing Institute, Muscat, OM
  • The EFQM Leaders for Excellence Training gave me a new view about Quality. I learned about a holistic Excellence Framework that helps organizations to develop towards Excellence. I wish more of our leaders would know about the EFQM Excellence Model. Developing our organizations towards Excellence would be very beneficial for our customers, our organizations, and our country.

    Ms. Suad Fael Mubarak Bait-Maghrab, Head of Quality Department, Sultan Qaboos Hospital, Salalah, OM