Swiss Quality

Registration for Training

  • In the EFQM Leaders for Excellence Training I could further develop my know-how in Excellence. This training should be attended not only by Quality Management Specialists but also by Rectors, Vice-Rectors, Deans/Vice-Deans, and Line Managers of Universities and Colleges. The training provides them with a roadmap to Excellence.

    Mr. Mallwy Alawadh, Quality and Development Coordinator, Abha College of Technology, Abha, KSA
  • "I enjoyed the Online EFQM Foundation Training by ITQM in all aspects. I found it such a great and rich training opportunity and I recommend this training to everybody who would like to know more about Excellence!"

    Sarah Al Qahtani, Manager, Strategy Department, Saudi Commission for Health Care Specialties, Riyadh, KSA
  • The EFQM European Assessor Training was very well focused and we had lively discussions. All that hopefully paves the way for more quality oriented decisions.

    Ms. Heli Aru, Manager, Estonian Ministry of Education, Tallinn, Estonia