Swiss Quality

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  • The EFQM L4E Training was an insightful and beneficial two-day-course which gave me an overview of the EFQM Model and the Fundamental Concepts of Excellence. I recommend this course to individuals who are new to the EFQM Model and also to individuals who already have some background in Excellence but want to refresh and expand their Excellence know-how. It is beneficial for all management staff, regardless of their field of work, as Excellence is a key component for high performance.

    Mr. Mohammad Abdulrazaq Alawadhi, Global Quality Manager, Drydocks World, Dubai, UAE
  • In the EFQM Leaders for Excellence Training, conducted by ITQM, I realized that the EFQM Excellence Model is very helpful to support also Government organizations and institutions in Higher Education in their Striving for Excellence. The training was very  good and gave me also a new view about Excellence.

    Prof. Dr. Amal Fatani, Head of Women Sector, Ministry of Higher Education, Riyadh, KSA
  • I have attended the EFQM Foundation Training by ITQM. It was a very good experience, which I recommend to every person who intends to explore new ways of managerial thinking and to every organization that needs to increase the efficiency and the outcome of its organization. The training was supported with case studies, live examples and documents, which I can refer to and build on, to translate into my day to day work. I am looking forward to attend  the EFQM Assessor Training by ITQM.”

    Alain Mahrouk, Senior Operations Manager, Burj Al Hamam Restaurants Company, Riyadh, KSA